TK Maxx 'The Sing Song'
Category: Advertising, Brand Communication, Composition
Director: Andreas Nilsson
Agency: W+K London
Production Company: Biscuit Filmworks
The idea behind this TK Maxx Christmas commercial was for the viewer to expect this traditional looking family in a Christmassy setting to appear to be about to sing a traditional Christmas carol... However instead a gargle is heard from dear old grandma and the rest of the family (including dog and baby) burst into a quirky, acapella arrangement of Dick Dale’s ‘Misirlou', made famous by the 90s film, Pulp Fiction. In order to create such an off the wall arrangement of the piece, a major casting session was embarked upon to find the perfect voices to match the look of the cast, the music was then pre-recorded in a studio and lip synced on the day of the shoot.